One pair of running shoes
New Balance
Blue and Yellow
Size 6 1/2
Reward if found.
This is my blog. I like palm trees. I like puppies. That about sums it up. (If only it was that simple.)
I haven't posted anything in quite some time. I've been busy. But, it's not just that. I just haven't felt like taking the time to do it. That problem doesn't stop with this blog either. I haven't felt like doing much of anything lately. I've lost my motivation. With less than two weeks left of school, this is a huge problem. Wow. Two weeks. I need to get my act together and finish out the semester. I've worked so hard for four years, I don't want to end on a bad note. At the same time, it doesn't really seem to matter any more. Nobody is going to care what grade I made in Experimental Design or Databases. Nobody is even going to care what my cummulative GPA was or if I graduated with honors. I guess I should care. I guess I'll try.